Railroad transportation is another method of international transportation that is used by Barandaz Bahavar to transport goods and products throughout Asia. This method can carry heavy and bulky loads, and it is possible to carry out services in the heavy industries of the mining industry, the steel industry, and the construction industry.

Barandaz Bahavar rail transport

Having active offices in the railway stations of Central Asia, Russia and Afghanistan and having dedicated bases in the special economic zones of the east of the country and Bandar Abbas, the International Shipping Group provides the following services:

Providing rail services such as transshipment, stripping and changing bogies in all railway stations in Central Asia, Iran, Russia, Turkey, India, China, Malaysia, South Korea and Pakistan.
The standard and absorption of all types of Russian wagons.
Providing the exclusive code of the Central Asian route and representing the Iranian route.
Transportation of petroleum products
Rail and truck transportation of oil and petrochemical products of Iran and Iraq to all neighbors
(The most specialized and experienced company in transporting diesel, naphtha and transit hydrocarbons from the country).
Transshipment services and tank services for petroleum products in special economic zones.
Transporting fuel by rail and transporting tank wagons for the transit of petroleum products to all neighbors.

Free Consultation

Our specialists at Barandaz Bahawar Company will offer you the best shipping method and rate for your cargo by providing free consultation. Please fill out the form below so that you will be contacted as soon as possibleد.

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